• Unit Details
    11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong
    Area: Approx. 626 square feet (real feet)
    Area: Approx. 891 sq. ft. (built-in sq. ft.)
    Price: 7.5735 million
    Property ID: B704076
    Listing Contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993
    Listing Contact : Gabriel : 51211348
    Selling point: Rare in the market, the place is spacious and bright, good layouts, basic decoration, and a pantry is rare.
    Real estate agency information: Company address: 19th Floor, Two International Finance Center, No. 8 Finance Street, Hong Kong
    Estate agency company information: Company license number: C-090783


  • Unit Details 11 Yip Hing Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong Area: Approx. 626 square feet (real feet) Area: Approx. 891 sq. ft. (built-in sq. ft.) Price: 7.5735 million Property ID: B704076 Listing Contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993 Listing Contact : Gabriel : 51211348 Selling point: Rare in the market, the place is spacious and bright, good layouts, basic decoration, and a pantry is rare. Real estate agency information: Company address: 19th Floor, Two International Finance Center, No. 8 Finance Street, Hong Kong Estate agency company information: Company license number: C-090783

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