Room 1901, Middle Floor , Euro Trade Centre

  • Unit Details
  • 13-14 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Island
  • Floor: 19/F
  • Area: Approx. 2942 sq. ft.
  • Rent: Approx. $161,810 @$55
  • Air-conditioning system: central air-conditioning
  • Number of lifts: 1 for passengers; 1 for cargo
  • Selling point: The place is spacious and bright, with four squares, convenient transportation, about 1 minute walk to the subway station, city view, smallpox


  • Unit Details
  • 13-14 Connaught Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Island
  • Floor: 19/F
  • Area: Around 2942 sq. ft.
  • Rent: Approx. $161,810 @$55
  • Air-conditioning system: central air-conditioning
  • Number of lifts: 1 for passengers; 1 for cargo
  • Selling point: The place is spacious and bright, with four squares, convenient transportation, about 1 minute walk to the subway station, city view, smallpox

Additional information

建築面積 (平方呎)



city view




Partly renovated, 假天花