PARK HAVEN lower floor room b

  • Unit Details
    No. 38, Haven Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
    Area: Approx. 581 square feet (real feet)
    Price: 12.5 million
    Property ID: B697557
    Listing Contact : Charles : 98568515
    Listing Contact: Esther: 93838728
    Selling point: the place is spacious and bright, with square layouts, a balcony, and beautiful decoration.
    Room and bathroom: 2 rooms


  • Unit Details No. 38, Haven Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Area: Approx. 581 square feet (real feet) Price: 12.5 million Property ID: B697557 Listing Contact : Charles : 98568515 Listing Contact: Esther: 93838728 Selling point: the place is spacious and bright, with square layouts, a balcony, and beautiful decoration. Room and bathroom: 2 rooms

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