Jardine House High Floor

    • Unit Details
      1 Connaught Place, Central
      Floor Area: 14,400 sq. ft.
      Area: Approx. 2000 sq. ft. (utility)
      Rent: Approx.$260000 @$130

      Air-conditioning system: central air-conditioning
      Gross Floor Area (Approx.): 748,800.00 sq. ft.
      Selling point: The place is spacious and bright, with four upright spaces, convenient transportation, about 1 minute walk from the subway station, beautiful decoration, negotiable price, mountain view, strategic location in Central, monthly car rental space – fixed: $6200
      Responsible agent : Tinnie Choi : 93576357


  • 中環康樂廣場1號
  • 樓面面積: 14,400 平方呎
  • 面積:  約 2000平方呎(實用)

租金:  約$260000 @$130

  1. 冷氣系統: 中央冷氣
  2. 總樓面面積(約): 748,800.00 平方呎
  3. 賣點: 地方寬敞明亮,間格四正,交通方便,步行地鐵站約 1 分鐘,有靚裝修,可議價,山景,位處中環的策略性位置,月租車位- 固定: $6200
  4. 負責經紀 : Tinnie Choi : 93576357

Out of stock


      • Unit Details
        1 Connaught Place, Central
        Floor Area: 14,400 sq. ft.
        Area: Approx. 2000 sq. ft. (utility)
        Rent: Approx.$260000 @$130

        Air-conditioning system: central air-conditioning
        Gross Floor Area (Approx.): 748,800.00 sq. ft.
        Selling point: The place is spacious and bright, with four upright spaces, convenient transportation, about 1 minute walk from the subway station, beautiful decoration, negotiable price, mountain view, strategic location in Central, monthly car rental space – fixed: $6200
        Responsible agent : Tinnie Choi : 93576357

Additional information

建築面積 (平方呎)



mountain view




Partly renovated