Famous building on Stanley Street in Central, large glass, ready to rent

  • Unit details
    Malahon Centre, Central, Hong Kong
    Area: Approx. 1526 sq. ft. (Building)
    Rental price: $64,000
    Property number: C287379
    Listing contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993
    Selling points: Good layout, you must like it, large glass, ready to rent, famous building on Stanley Street in Central, beauty decoration, built-in toilet
    Property introduction: Flat rent, only looking for good tenants, price negotiable, upstairs shop for rent, even decoration, open and central location


  • Unit details Malahon Centre, Central, Hong Kong Area: Approx. 1526 sq. ft. (Building) Rental price: $64,000 Property number: C287379 Listing contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993 Selling points: Good layout, you must like it, large glass, ready to rent, famous building on Stanley Street in Central, beauty decoration, built-in toilet Property introduction: Flat rent, only looking for good tenants, price negotiable, upstairs shop for rent, even decoration, open and central location

Additional information



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