Kingdom Power Commercial Building

  • Unit details
    Kingdom Power Commercial Building
    Area: Approx. 2186 sq. ft. (Building)
    Rental price: $70,000
    Property number: B907092
    Listing contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993
    Listing contact: Candice Ng: 91304313
    Selling points: Well-divided, centrally located, negotiable price, high availability, office use, with decoration, suitable for all walks of life, upstairs shop
    Company address: 20th Floor, One International Finance Center, Central, Hong Kong


  • Unit details Kingdom Power Commercial Building Area: Approx. 2186 sq. ft. (Building) Rental price: $70,000 Property number: B907092 Listing contact: Tinnie Choi: 68191993 Listing contact: Candice Ng: 91304313 Selling points: Well-divided, centrally located, negotiable price, high availability, office use, with decoration, suitable for all walks of life, upstairs shop Company address: 20th Floor, One International Finance Center, Central, Hong Kong

Additional information



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